Adults Yearly Membership


Annual membership for use of Burlish Bike Park 7 days a week, 12 months from date or purchase. This option is suitable for riders over the age of 18.

SKU: AdultsYearlyMembership Category: Tag:

You MUST sign the “newcomers waiver” here and read the bike park policies before riding the bike trails/entering the woods.

If we have closed the park for official reasons such as poor weather, trail repairs, or any other reason as expressed on our social media and/or signage please DO NOT ride the park.

Would you consider registering your membership for Gift Aid? We are a registered charity, which means we can gain 25% more on your membership purchase from your tax payments…which provides an additional £5-£13 for free to you! To find out more see this document  Burlish Bike Park Gift Aid Declaration